Piaf & Aznavour Back in Time

The new version of PIAF & AZNAVOUR – Back in Time is touring Theatres and Arts Centres in 2024 across NSW and Victoria. Part Theatre, part Cabaret, part biography, Back in Time is a unique celebration of French “Chanson,” featuring projections of Piaf and Aznavour throughout the show. The show is performed in French and English by Parisian-born Corinne Andrew and Award-winning Milko Foucault–Larche, the two most active ambassadors of French popular music in Australia! Piaf & Aznavour are the embodiment of French artistry, which has taken them to some of the most prestigious theatres and concert halls around the globe. Written, produced and directed by Milko Foucault–Larche, PIAF & AZNAVOUR – Back in Time is the “only” show of its kind in the world, combining the music of iconic Edith Piaf and legendary Charles Aznavour on the same bill. With individuality and rousing storytelling, Corinne Andrew [Piaf] and Milko Foucault–Larche [Aznavour] breathe new life into the songs we have all come to love over the decades. For more info or to purchase tickets, visit lizottes.com.au.