The World of Digital Dentistry

The world of digital technology (computerbased and AI) extends not only into patient interactions via the web but also into the delivery of dental treatments. Today, I would like to provide a perspective on Belledental’s current opinion on digital dental technologies.
What could we possibly have to fear from such a formidable technology?
Put simply, it is all about the design and delivery of these digitally fabricated restorations.
The most crucial factor is how these excellent digital restorations are designed and delivered to the patient. This still requires a dentist. Furthermore, the delivery relies on the capabilities of the dentist around designing and engineering durable basic fillings – which often forms the underlying foundation for these exotic digital restorations - using adhesive technology to bond the digitally created ceramic into place and the most fundamental skill of ensuring that the adhesives are not contaminated by blood or saliva.
Digital restorations rely on the very same skill set required to do effective, durable and beautiful fillings. The fundamental ability to provide fillings to patients is the exact skill set that many of these dentists are seeking to avoid with these digital technologies. Sure, the computer programs behind these technologies can design and fabricate, but, if the dentist is not fully capable of achieving a successful result with fillings, how will they know if thedesign delivered by the computer will work?
Final Comments:
• I believe these digital design technologies are essentially a dental laboratory instrument
• Unlike fillings that are mostly minimally invasive and are repairable, the failure of these digital restorations often necessitates a
remake, usually starting from scratch.
• They are often more invasive than fillings
• Why introduce a digital technology where you do not understand or control the software, which comes with a significant expense that must be passed onto the patient?
• A skilled dentist can achieve similar results at a fraction of the price with fillings
Belledental is monitoring these technologies and is still committed to delivering simple, durable and minimally invasive dental care that delivers fundamentals that are the basis of teeth for life.