Spring Skin

Here we are about to hit Spring. Hallelujah! I know we are all over the cold winter and all the colds, flu and Covid we are living with.
Cold weather, illness and stress do knock our skin around too. Dryness, irritation and redness can be an issue. Some extra hydration at home and a visit to your local professional skin clinic may be the go to refresh your skin for Spring.
Of course, a trap with Spring in Australia is getting caught by the first warmer sunny days! UV damage is real. If you are in your late 20's or early 30's in Australia, I can guarantee you are starting to see those persistent lines around your eyes.
That skin is not springing back like it used to because UV exposure has been attacking your collagen and elastin. Look after that skin. Be sun smart, and consider a visit to a professional place like the Mayah Clinic to put in place a simple program
to build healthy skin and combat sun damage.
An early start on skin health can make all the difference in 10 years' time!
Visit www.themayahclinic.com.au for more information.