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intouch Magazine

Restorative Options: Part 2

Leading on from the concept of minimally invasive dentistry I covered in last month’s article – I would like to introduce the concept of building blocks.


Not new – probably one of your first toys. And just like the physical blocks we played with as children, the idea of building blocks in any program is simple and robust if used correctly.

Frequently, I have patients present with a multitude of problems. The solution is to break the problem down into its fundamental building blocks and start at the simplest level. Because I work with composite resin materials – I may have to start with a tooth that is not the key tooth for my final definitive restorative program.

Not a problem. The tooth still needs restorative care, and the patient will benefit from a stronger filling. Composite resin (if finished correctly) is cosmetically pleasing, and although the starting point is not definitive, it provides for the advancement of the restorative program.

Another way to look at this is to consider this preliminary work to be the laying of foundations in preparation for possible, more definitive dental treatment. This is undoubtedly a slower path, but one that is more rigorous, with both the patient and I able to test outcomes at each level before proceeding to the next level. This builds our confidence in the program we are pursuing, weeds out problems that may otherwise go unnoticed and spreads costs over time, making the dental treatment more affordable. As much as I speak of definitive dentistry – many of my patients are more than happy with the outcomes of “laying of foundations” and choose to remain at this level.

I find this pleasing. The patient is content with their outcome. The fundamentals are in place if ever the patient decides to move to the next level – or is required to do so because of mishap. Ultimately, building blocks allow for the controlled progression from least invasive to progressively more intrusive, hoping to deliver teeth for life.

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