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Residents to pave the way to a more walkable Newcastle

intouch Magazine

pedestrian crossing
Picture caption: Councillor Elizabeth Adamczyk and Deputy Lord Mayor Declan Clausen using pedestrian infrastructure at New Lambton.

Novocastrians are being invited to have their say on a 10-year plan designed to increase pedestrian activity in Newcastle by building and supporting walkable neighbourhoods.


Council voted last night to place City of Newcastle’s draft Walking and Mobility Plan on public exhibition for six weeks.

The plan aims to make walking and active transport the natural choice for short trips for every member of the community, by prioritising pedestrians in all infrastructure upgrades across the city.

Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said walking and active transport have a range of benefits for residents, visitors, and the environment.

"Walking and riding are efficient ways to travel short distances, reduce congestion, lower emissions and increase the vibrancy of local places," Cr Nelmes said.

"When we refer to walking, we include all pedestrian movements, including skateboards, mobility scooters, wheelchairs and prams. Walking presents an opportunity for everyone in our community to enjoy Newcastle while also providing significant health benefits from more active lifestyles.

"Newcastle is already highly walkable city, and by enhancing the walkability of our neighbourhoods we will support our community, businesses and visitors to embrace walking, including options to connect with public transport as a better way to explore the city and its surrounds."

The draft plan has been developed through consultation with the community and other relevant stakeholders, utilising surveys, interactive maps, and the establishment and coordination of the Walking and Mobility Working Party.

Councillor Elizabeth Adamczyk, Chair of the Walking and Mobility Working Party said the 10-year plan contains four main themes.

"In order to achieve our goals, we need to promote safety and the prioritisation of pedestrians, build and maintain walkable neighbourhoods, support walking trips and celebrate walking in our communities, for all people, of all abilities," Cr Adamczyk said.

"Surveys have shown 70 per cent of people in Newcastle walk at least 30 minutes every day, but it's mainly for recreational purposes, not for transport.

"To change those statistics, we need to guide development to take pedestrians into greater consideration while also encourage pedestrian-friendly drivers by introducing traffic calming measures and advocating for lower speed limits.

"By 2034, City of Newcastle aims to be a place where all pedestrians, of all ages, abilities, and mobilities, feel safe and prioritised within the public road space."

The Walking and Mobility Plan aligns with the main objectives of the Newcastle 2040 Community Strategic Plan, helping to make our city a more liveable, sustainable and creative place.

The plan will be on public exhibition from 27 June to 8 August 2024.

To find out more and have your say visit

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