May Horoscopes

22 APRIL - 20 MAY
If you were hoping for a gentler year ahead, you might be disappointed. Still, you will be needed, and despite your quiet protests, this is just the way you like it. When you're in demand, you know you're appreciated. Plus, you're clocking up some positive karmic points - so keep a good tally. Pay attention to detail, including listening to good advice. In matters of love, sexual passions soar - so hold on to your heartstrings, particularly after August. If you started the year single, you could be very much coupled by the end of it.
21 MAY – 21 JUNE Your month could open by taking the road less travelled. Sudden opportunities or chance encounters are likely. And you may finally be freed from a tense situation - great news for those who've been feeling overwhelmed. After the 21st, watch out for inspiration that hints at your next step. Late May also promises a time of luck and, perhaps, romance. Enjoy the journey.
22 JUNE – 22 JULY You might feel like you're still dragging an anchor into May but expect greater freedom of movement as the weeks pass. The residual delays and frustrations should finally dissolve by month's end as the Sun kindly spurs on a new achievement cycle. Goals and ambitions suddenly appear much clearer as you neatly side-step obstacles and develop a feel for the right direction.
23 JULY – 22 AUGUST Jupiter brings advancement to your career sector, though you may have to wait until July for tangible results. Confidence takes a temporary dive in mid-May as a battle-weary moon retreats. The upside of that? What you don't do for yourself, you'll do for others and in time, this selflessness will be generously repaid. Perhaps not immediately, but favours are often returned just when you need them most.
Don't hide away from the world, Virgo. It's time to face up to all the challenging possibilities on offer. If you're aiming for a better job, a pay rise or a more desirable place to live, capitalise on recent benefits. Another plus: you're feeling much less coy sexually. Your allure is all but irresistible this month, and what starts as a casual flirtation could become something more permanent.
23 SEPTEMBER – 22 OCTOBER Does the past seem more alluring than the present? Don't get too stuck in rose-coloured nostalgia. Clinging to times gone by can shut out today's reality. If you've experienced a loss or breakup, this is a normal stage in the grieving process. But don't mistake this for depression - it's more a case of needing some time out for contemplation. Just come back soon, Libra - you're needed in the here and now.
23 OCTOBER – 21 NOVEMBER This month brings a rebirth, Scorpio. You have had enough of life's harsher lessons. Now you're ready to put those lessons to the test by pursuing your true calling and passion. You're no longer satisfied with simply scratching the surface of life. You're prepared to go as deep as necessary to create something of lasting value. You want nothing less than the best and nothing short of your inner truth.
22 NOVEMBER – 21 DECEMBER This month finds many Sagittarians fuelled with irrepressible optimism. As a result, windfalls and wild excursions are likely. During May, generous planets encourage spending sprees or, perhaps, speculation - which you happily oblige. But your real wealth lies in the goodwill of others. Single or settled, you become more charismatic and flirtatious. You love and are loved. It's group hugs all around.
With little planetary activity in your income sector, this brings a financial status quo. Same income, same bills. But there's a happy twist. Capricorns love their homes and property, and this month, there might be potentially lucrative opportunities in real estate. Generous Jupiter also bodes well for property sales or purchases. The adage about "being in the right place at the right time" rings true.
For some time now, life has felt like an obstacle course. Endless trials have tested Aquarians, but you've stayed in the race - gaining patience, wisdom, and spirit. These assets are carried through the rest of this year when you move onto firmer ground financially and emotionally. As a further reward, the planets unite to restore considerably more than was originally lost.
At last, here's a month worth remembering. It's truly an "I am" period when you'll not take a back seat to others. Neither will you be inclined towards self-denial. You're tempted to splurge on luxuries, somewhat extravagantly. Creativity's enhanced, and there's no telling exactly how or where you'll direct your talents. Even if you currently lack discipline – don't worry. You'll be in the thick of promising new projects soon enough.
Whether you're back to square one or heading down a new path, it seems you have some important decisions to make. The dilemma may be over old vs new, freedom vs commitment, or perhaps a new address or career change. But there are fabulous moments ahead too. Singles delight in sensational new suitors, while couples rekindle passions. Either way, it's a month that emphasises change and commitment.