Lake Mac Women in Sport
Lake Macquarie
This inclusive festival will offer something for everyone, with an extensive program that caters to sporting newcomers, aspiring professional athletes, coaches, administrators and anyone who wants to challenge themselves and take on a new sport.
We encourage fathers, sons, brothers, partners, husbands and friends to get behind their mothers, daughters, sisters, partners, wives and share the festival experiences with them.
The week long community event offers a range of activities for you to enjoy such as Try a Sport Day, Inspirational Breakfast with Jelena Dokic, Live Music @ Lake with Clare Bowditch and special guest, Sports Exhibition, Friday Night Foodies and Skaties 80s roller derby. There will be community led events all week long so you can experience a range of trial classes and demonstrations and discover a passion for a new sport.
Come along and get involved. Let’s support Women in Sport. For the full line up of events visit and search for Women in Sport Festival.