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Lake Mac’s growth showcased in annual report

intouch Magazine
lake mac

Lake Macquarie continues its upward trajectory according to the Annual Report 2023-2024 which was approved at tonight’s Ordinary Council meeting.


The annual report demonstrates how Council met its goals over the financial year, achieving 144 actions which accounted for 97 per cent those assigned.


Lake Macquarie Mayor Adam Shultz said Council has remained steadfast in supporting diverse events, activities and projects over the past 12 months.


“We had almost 900,000 people visit a Council event or facility in the 2023-2024 financial year, and our city hosted more than 240 events in that period,” he said.


“They ranged from the Living Smart Festival celebrating sustainability and multiculturalism to the Fast and Loud weekend of super boats and superb onshore entertainment.”


“We’ve completed major infrastructure projects, including the spectacular Fernleigh Awabakal Shared Track extension and the Windale Hub, bilyabayi – a facility the Windale community has longed for and deserved for many years.”


In addition, Councillors adopted financial statements for the year ending 30 June 2024 and authorised the presentation of Council’s audited financial statements to the public.


Financially, Council achieved a favourable operating surplus of $4.12 million against a revised March budget of a $1.3 million surplus.

Furthermore, Councillors nominated members to represent Council on 14 external committees.


Committees spanned from the Hunter Sports Centre Advisory Board to the Lake Macquarie City Council and Rural Fire Service Liaison Committee, Eraring Power Station Community Forum and more.


Another item passed saw Councillors approve a Planning Agreement that includes significant environmental measures for a proposed residential subdivision in Edgeworth, featuring biodiversity offsets and the dedication of 5 Caravel Street, Teralba as protected ecological land.


And Councillor Madeline Bishop was nominated to attend SWITCH 2024, the NSW Public Libraries Association annual conference which is going ahead in Coffs Harbour from 12-15 November 2024.


The conference themes are equality, inclusion and diversity, with sessions covering a broad range of topics relevant to Lake Mac Libraries and the wider community, such as health and wellbeing, lightning talks, and a State Library of NSW address.


The full agenda and reports are available at meeting agendas and minutes.

The stream of tonight’s meeting will be available online at within 48 hours.

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