January 2025 Horoscopes

You are ready to shine the light of truth on a key partnership, but the Full Moon shows you that your partner (or adversary) isn’t ready to tackle this issue head-on. Even though you’re ready to sort the issue out once and for all, you’ll need to have a little patience and communicate compassionately with more timid types. Your money mindset gets an overhaul at the New Moon. Fresh opportunities could emerge, but you need to be ready to accept prosperity and not talk yourself out of it. Sure, nothing is certain in life, but closed palms can’t receive gifts.
The Full Moon brings pressure, but some of it is self-fulfilling, i.e. you are stressed about being stressed. To date, you have met with a 100% success rate of surviving all of life’s challenges, and you probably don’t even remember a lot of what you’ve been through. There’s no need to push yourself to the limit. Cut yourself (and those around you) some slack. Your birthday, a new year, and a New Moon – this is the time to set your personal agenda and make some moves in the year ahead. Include fun and creativity in your grand plans. If it’s not enjoyable, you’ll lose interest.
Relax a little about a creative project or a situation with a child. As the Moon becomes full, you want to intervene and guide the situation to your preferred outcome, but this would be premature. The ongoing themes of maturity and patience continue to be your best approach. When things feel heavy, it’s often a call from your soul to be gentler with yourself, to pause and rest. The New Moon is a great time to retreat into your inner world and check in on your soft animal self. What do you need to nourish yourself at the deepest level?
Your boss planet, Mars, continues the laborious renovation of your inner world, mirroring the action and activity with home and family. There is potential for arguments with those closest to you but also emotional catharsis – channel everybody’s enthusiasm and energy into a group task like a major cook-up or remodelling. With the house spruced up, the end-of-month New Moon encourages friendly invitations and fun group projects. Flit from parties to picnics to concerts to games. Can you fit it all in? You’ll certainly try! Enjoy this period of popularity and lean into your social connections.
21 APRIL – 20 MAY
You’re brimful with ideas and enthusiastic about sharing them – but be aware that not everybody will agree with you. Modern trolls have vacated the bridges and now lurk on social media. You can be the juiciest, ripest peach, but there’s always someone who is keen to tell you that they don’t like peaches. Ignore them and set fresh intentions for your professional year ahead under the New Moon. There’s money to be made and empires to build. Think about the lifestyle you want to create and how you want to feel, as this will help you connect with your vision.
21 MAY – 21 JUNE
Money matters are highlighted by the Full Moon, signalling a good time to throw yourself into overtime hours or a big project. There’s also the potential for overdoing the spending rather than the earning. With the risk/reward scenario distorted, it’s not a good time for gambling or high-risk ventures. Encouraging messages from the spirit world arrive around the New Moon, including a possible wake-up call for busy twins who haven’t been paying enough attention. Look around you and recognise that life, in all its guises, is an absolute miracle unfolding right before your very eyes.
22 JUNE – 22 JULY
You are buzzing with energy, albeit sprinkled with irritation, as the Moon becomes full in your sign mid-month. If you find yourself becoming increasingly annoyed with a partner (and workmates, fellow motorists, and everyone!), go for a walk or a jog. Physical exertion will reduce the splashy boil to a gentle simmer. Magic unfolds at the New Moon. Something that has been worrying you could miraculously be resolved by unseen forces – either a generous person in the material world or your spiritual allies. Gratitude fuels abundance, so be sure to offer your thanks.
Although famed for drama, you generally do your best to keep a lid on it. Something is simmering in the wings and threatening to burst out. Your beloved will have already sniffed the scent; unfortunately, so will potential adversaries. Don’t let known idiots get under your skin. Do let yourself be supported. A special partner does you a huge favour as the new lunar cycle begins in late January, and you edge another step closer to a cherished goal. There are financial intricacies to overcome, but it all starts with your heart’s connection to that dream.
Your social battery is as full as the Moon mid-month, so get together with friends and community groups and achieve collective goals, even if that goal is just having fun. There is potential for more-than-friendly competition, so channel it into sports and games rather than social climbing and status-seeking. Around the New Moon, you’ll be in deep thought (possibly deep Virgoan worry). Let that clear as nocturnal light begins to grow again. Your hard work and dedication will help steer the situation towards a more manageable outcome. Have faith – in yourself, if not the bigger picture.
You might feel giddy looking down from this high up the career ladder. You’ve worked hard behind the scenes and out front and deserve this moment of recognition. Sadly, not everyone will be cheering you on and celebrating your achievements. Succeed and celebrate anyway. Right on cue, the New Moon encourages you to inject more fun into your life. Peak performance is cool, but where does pleasure fit into your plans? Pick up some travel brochures and start thinking about where you want to go and what experiences you want to invite into your life.
Never one to settle for the contentment of the status quo, you continue to strive and stretch yourself. The Full Moon may have you questioning how far you’ve wandered and if you are now lost. Spoiler: you aren’t, but you may like to explore that intriguing scenario in your mind. A small mystical spark flickers to life amid the darkness of the New Moon, and you are inspired to tap into the enduring resources of your psyche. This could be literal as you commit to a home base – via a move or a mortgage – on which to grow and flourish into the future.
Sharing money and resources is a lovely idea but isn’t always easy. The Full Moon highlights exactly what you’re uncomfortable about but not quite ready to change. Sometimes, you just have to ride out the hard times and tap into that Sagittarian faith that there are better days ahead – because there are! Your brain responds to optimism and gets a reboot at the New Moon. You become sharper and more articulate than ever. This is helpful for communication