February Community News
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Port Stephens Council is updating its vegetation and koala habitat mapping to better identify key areas where koalas are located in the region.
Mayor Leah Anderson, Chair of the Council’s Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management Committee, said that the critical vegetation and koala habitat mapping will allow the Council to protect local koalas in the future.
“The updated Koala habitat mapping will help inform decisions, guide policy changes and assist in streamlining development assessment requirements in Port Stephens – all with the aim of keeping our Koala population protected,” she said.
Kimberly Baker, Council's Environmental Strategy Team Leader and Project Manager, stated that the mapping update is essential for providing a tool to make informed decisions regarding the protection of Port Stephens koalas.
“The current Port Stephens Koala habitat map was prepared over 20 years ago as part of Council’s Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management,” Ms Baker said.
“With advancements in mapping technology and survey methods, alongside on-ground changes in habitat and Koala population extents, it’s time we reviewed this map to ensure we’ve got the most up-to-date information.
“The updated mapping information will indicate the key areas our Koalas call home and help inform future land management actions,” she added.
Council has partnered with the NSW Koala Strategy, with funding provided by the state and federal governments, to prepare the detailed vegetation mapping alongside the updated Koala habitat mapping.
"We are collaborating closely with the state’s leading koala scientists to conduct on-ground surveys and detailed vegetation mapping to assess Koala occupancy,” Ms Baker said.
“This detailed vegetation map is the first of its kind for the Port Stephens region. It provides crucial information that will guide effective land management actions and help identify important vegetation and habitats for various species that inhabit our region,” she added.
Council will commence targeted Koala surveys at over 250 strategically selected locations across Port Stephens during mid to late 2025, including some critical locations identified on private land.
Participation in this vital work is voluntary. However, Council is encouraging identified landholders to allow access to their properties.
“By permitting an ecologist and botanist to conduct a Koala survey on a small part of your property, you’re contributing to protecting our important Koala population – and you might also meet our talented scat dog teams,” Ms Baker said.
For more information and to stay updated with the project, visit www.haveyoursay.portstephens.nsw.gov.au/koala-habitat-mapping.
Local pet owners are encouraged to microchip their cat or dog free of charge this month when Maitland City Council hosts a free pop-up microchipping day at the Maitland Animal Management Facility in East Maitland.
From 10am to 2pm on Sunday, 9 February, Maitland residents can bring their cat or dog to the facility at 11 Metford Road and have them microchipped for free.
Maitland Mayor Philip Penfold said microchipping your household pets was an “important part of responsible pet ownership”.
“If your cat or dog gets out and does a runner, then a microchip with up-to-date contact information for the owners can save everyone a lot of time, money and heartache in the long run,” Mayor Penfold said.
“Events such as these are a great way to improve access to and incentivise the uptake of responsible pet ownership practices. It’s free, there’s no need to book in advance, and the procedure is quick and relatively painless for the pet.
“Failing to microchip your pet carries a fine, but we won’t be issuing or enforcing any fines during this pop-up event, so we’re not deterring people from doing the right and responsible thing.”
Staff at the facility will require proof of Maitland residence, like a driver’s license, utility bill or rates notice, before installing a microchip. All dogs must be on leads, and keep cats in carriers while attending. For more information on pet registration and microchipping, visit www.maitland.nsw.gov.au.
A scientist passionate about the environment was one of 170 new citizens to pledge commitment at City of Newcastle's first citizenship ceremony of 2025.
Originally from Germany, Laura Stapp has had to navigate multiple visas since moving to Australia in 2016, but a change in the law has allowed her to embrace her identity as both German and Australian.
Laura says she's looking forward to enjoying the opportunities and enjoying the sense of belonging her new status brings.
"It's the end to a long journey; it's just nice to get there finally. It's a bit of peace of mind. I look forward to being able to vote; it's important to me," Mrs Stapp said.
“Newcastle has a lot to offer. The proximity to beautiful places for camping and the welcoming community make it a wonderful place to live.”
Following almost a decade in Australia, Laura can finally share the same nationality as the rest of her family.
Laura first came to Australia in 2015 to complete her PhD in marine science at Port Stephens, where she met her now husband Kyle at the local fisheries.
The couple now live in Maryville with their two sons, who have been dual citizens since birth.
Laura works as a scientist with the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water. She is passionate about contributing to her community and embracing her new home while staying connected to her German roots.
This connection is especially important to her as a parent, as she volunteers at the Little German School in Kotara, where she introduces her sons to German language and culture.
Presiding over his first citizenship ceremony, Newcastle Lord Mayor Ross Kerridge congratulated the new citizens and reflected on the city's diversity.
“It’s fantastic to welcome such a diverse group of people to our city and celebrate every one of their unique journeys,” Cr Kerridge said.
"I was delighted to introduce Aunty Cheryl, to our proceedings for the first time today, a proud Awabakal woman who warmly welcomed all new citizens on stage. We also had the privilege of hearing from Dr. Mary Amponsah, a valued member of our community and Ghanaian woman who became a citizen in September."
Newcastle is a multicultural hub, with 15 per cent of its population born overseas and more than 80 languages spoken throughout the community.
Our newest citizens hail from countries around the globe, ranging from Cambodia, Egypt, France, Latvia, Pakistan, Syria, and Uruguay.
The event also featured a Welcome to Country delivered by the Deadly Callaghan Yidaki Group and musical performances by The Grainery Church, who sang the national anthem and
“I Am Australian.”