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Dungog Pedalfest: 30 Years of Pedal Power, Potholes, and Penny Farthings

intouch Magazine


Dungog Pedalfest is still going strong after thirty years, and this year, it will be back with all the old favourites and loads of added fun when it returns from 20 to 22 September. The teams at Rotary and Ride Dungog are planning a great event for 2024 – here’s their pick of events not to be missed...


The Gofor National Challenge


Allan Mitchell, local identity and Rotarian reckons his Motorised Scooter, “Gofor”, can beat all comers, so he’s throwing out the challenge to beat him in a race between the Tinshed Brewery and the Visitor Information Centre along Dowling Street. Not only that, but he is also throwing out a challenge for the best-dressed competitor. So far, his wife Marilyn says he is dreaming and that she will wipe the road with him. Local bike shop owner Scott Dallen says he already has to look both ways coming out of his shop's front door before stepping out!


The Penny Farthing Inaugural NSW Criterium Championship


We have had Penny Farthings in rides before, but now we are setting up a half-hour race around the block with the last two laps flat out. We will be cautioning potential riders about the potholes; after all, some of them have heritage potential, and we would hate to see them harmed. We ask you to pass the word to any potential riders that you may know.


The Inaugural Antique Single Gear Australian Criterium


We are planning yet another Criterium around the block of any bike older than 30 years with a single gear.  Similar to the Penny Farthing, it is a half-hour event with the last two laps flat out. Again, we have concerns about our potholes, but with care, we hope their heritage potential will not be lost.

kids riding bikes

Kids 5-Lap Challenge


Any child under 18 can enter the 5-lap challenge this year for a run around the block. Any bike, any condition and the potholes can take their chances.


Adaptive Riding Challenge


Ride Dungog will host one event only at the common during pedalfest - A Cross Country race which will include an adaptive challenge course category. Check out details on  Also, an Adaptive Criterium in town.


But wait – there’s more!!

  • There will be a family ride along Fosterton Road again this year. Ride with all the family in a safe ride with muffins at the river.

  • The Alison Road ride to Thalaba Church with jam and scones will be on again this year.

  • We will include the Criterium again.

  • The Friday night Kids and Cobwebs ride will be on to raise money for Dungog Primary Schools.


Prizes and awards will depend upon entries received. 


Dungog Rotary are keen to host the best Pedalfest ever and celebrate a greater than 30-year event. Come along and spot the leafies on bikes in town.  The best photos of you with all of them will win a prize of $100.  Send your photos, name, and phone number on the 21 September to


Get involved, or come along and watch. Check out the full event program at  


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