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Applications open for 2024 Your Port, Our Community grants program

intouch Magazine

With up to $100,000 in grant funding on offer across three categories, Port of Newcastle is calling on local charities and not-for-profit organisations to apply for funding for initiatives or projects that deliver community benefit.


The program aims to extend financial support to local projects and initiatives that align with the Port’s environmental and social values, support community within the Port of Newcastle catchment area, and help to strengthen strong relationships with community. 

CEO Craig Carmody said the Port was delighted to be delivering the program in 2024 following a record number of applications in 2023. 

“We value the relationship we have with our community throughout Newcastle, the Hunter, and Regional NSW. In addition to our employment and economic contribution to the region, we are proud to be able to further support our community through grant funding,” Mr Carmody said.  

“Since 2020, the Port has provided over $300,000 in grants to 55 charities and not-for-profit organisations for projects that provide social, economic, and environmental benefit to our region’s community and visitors. 

“Last year we saw a record number of applications, with 14 organisations receiving funding for projects ranging from sexual and domestic and family violence support and raising heart health awareness with First Nations people, to support for families undergoing cancer treatment and programs engaging young people in STEM.” 

2023 grant recipient, Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation (HCBF), used the funding for its Lawn Maintenance and Gardening Care program for people undergoing treatment and their families. 

“Our funding from Port of Newcastle ensures that local families navigating a breast cancer diagnosis can continue to receive practical support, like lawn maintenance, to ease the burden during such a challenging time,” said HCBF General Manager, Abbey McDonnell.  

“These services might seem simple, but they make a huge difference to our clients who are focused on their health and treatment. 

“Port of Newcastle’s ongoing commitment helps us provide these essential services, makes a huge impact on the lives of local families across the Hunter region.” 

Port of Newcastle’s Your Port, Our Community sponsorship program adds to the $1 million the Port provides annually through the Newcastle Port Community Contribution Fund. The Contribution Fund is administered by the New South Wales Government.

For further information, or to apply for the 2024 Your Port, Our Community grant program, visit

Applications close 5:00pm AEDT on Friday 29 November 2024. 

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