5 WAYS to Make Your Home Feel Fresh Post-COVID

It has been a year, unlike any other. Covid-19 took over, and we were at the mercy of our homes. Being housebound can be uninspiring at the best of times, and after the many weeks of self-isolation, we’re sure you need some ideas to change it up.
CHANGE YOUR BEDDING – Something as simple as switching out your quilt set can really create a fresh feeling in the space. As the bed tends to be the main focal point in the room, using throw rugs and cushions can dramatically change your look.
MOVE THINGS AROUND – Simply having a reshuffle of your home and moving items around can give them an entirely new meaning and purpose. You can do this with items like armchairs, artwork and even smaller things such as décor items and cushions.
HAVE A CLEANOUT – I’m sure like the rest of us there is a space in your home that is the go-to for something that doesn’t have a home, be it a drawer, a cupboard or even a spare room. Organise things so that when you’re looking for that key or charger, it’s easily accessible.
PHOTO FRESH – Simply changing the photos in your frames can make such a difference. If you’ve got some family photos, update them! A tip if you’re trying to keep a minimal look is to get your photos printed out in black and white, so they seamlessly tie into your décor.
SEASONAL STYLE – As we are coming into Winter, get out all of your plush throws and cushions. I love to style the benchtop with a big bowl or plate of brown winter pears and have some twigs in a vase to bring the outside in.
So there you have it, some helpful tips to give your home a little freshen up as life seems to continue to get back to normal. Don’t be scared when styling. Try the ‘put and look’ strategy. Arrange a set and walk away and come back with fresh eyes. Works every time!