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Work from Home... In Style!

Working from home is so 2020, and it’s a reality most of us are facing at the moment. If you don’t have a designated home office not to worry, you can still be as productive as ever by following these easy tips.

Set the Scene – Setting the scene is essential as once you’ve set up, you don’t want to have to move it again. When scouting your new office location, make sure you have access to power and check that the internet reaches there, because you can’t start work without those two things!

Zone Your Home – Visual zoning is a really effective tool when designing a space. If you are using your dining table, try and section off an area that is dedicated to work so you can make it your own and not feel like you’re imposing on everyone else in the house. This also helps you mentally switch off at the end of the day. If you don’t need to go near that space again at the end of the day, it creates a better work-life balance.

Light – Lighting is an essential aspect as you don’t want to strain your eyes or feel like you’re working in the dark. Find a space that has good natural light if possible. Task lighting is also essential. As most of us working at home will be on a computer, a desk or floor lamp is a great choice. Try and opt for a style where the globe isn’t visible, as it’s a distraction having it in your eye line.

Get Organised – Organisation is key! Having papers all over the place is overwhelming and can often look like there is more to do than there actually is. Try using files, or some nice looking storage boxes for your work items so you can stay focused and on track. Make a list of your tasks for the day, and only get out the papers you need for each task to minimise clutter.

Get Comfortable – As far as seating goes, it’s important you are comfortable as we spend a lot of our time working at our desks. Having a chair with a back is a necessity. If you are using a timber chair, add comfort by putting a sheepskin or a throw over it. Avoid using a sled based chair when selecting your seat of choice, as they are generally heavier and more awkward to get in and out of in a hurry.

Style it Your Way – Now comes the fun part, styling your workspace. Add your personal touches through things like photo frames, or a vase with some greenery in it. A small storage box for items like headphones, post-it notes, and pens is a stylish way to put them out of sight once you’ve finished for the day. As they say, out of sight, out of mind!

Keep it Clean – A clean and neat workspace is the key to productivity if you’re getting distracted by mess and clutter it makes it more challenging to focus.

Now it’s time to put these points into practice and get your space into order. It can be overwhelming at times, remember designers are here for a reason and many are still consulting via video link so don’t be afraid to reach out for help.

Tailored HQ are now offering E-Styling services. To book a free phone or video call, book at

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