Why Regular Dental Check Ups are Important
Taking good care of your teeth and gums on a daily basis can help reduce dental and even health problems you might experience in the...

The Benefits to Health and Wellbeing at Urth Fitness
There are enormous benefits of incorporating sauna bathing and massage into your training regime, for better health and wellbeing. It’s...

Putting Anger Behaviour into the Past
Would you like to be back in control - in a good way? Do you “lose it” and later regret it? Do you “react” instead of “respond”? Do you...

How one Cosmetic Procedure Solves two Beauty Problems
It’s not unusual to come across a beauty treatment that seems too good to be true – especially if the procedure is reportedly an...

Gain Freedom - From Public Speaking Anxiety
Do you notice that just the thought of having to do a presentation or to speak in public can turn your stomach into knots? Do you have...

Are You Okay?
Australians recently marked ‘R U OK? Day’ as the national day of action held in September each year, aimed at encouraging people to start...

Mums Battling Health Issues Hit the Beach for Summer Swimsuit Shoot!
Summer is fast approaching, and for a lot of mums, the thought of wearing swimwear and exposing their bodies on the beach is frightening....

Resilience & TENACITY
Continuing our series on resilience, this article looks at the skill of tenacity. This is one of six skills that build resilience. Vision...

Building Towards a Cancer Free Future
Cancer. It is perhaps the ugliest and most feared word of all, and wherever it travels, much sadness and heartache follow close behind....

Buy the Diary that Saves Lives
Breast cancer doesn’t discriminate. One in eight women in Australia will be diagnosed by the age of 85, and this year it is expected to...

Blepharoplasty... Changes to Medicare
Upper eyelid surgery (or blepharoplasty) involves removing excess skin from the eyelid. As we age the skin of the upper eyelid can become...

Navigating Teenage Skincare
During the teenage years with hormonal changes, skin can become prone to acne. It might become oily; blackheads can appear, whiteheads...

Collective of Practitioners for Wellbeing
As a hypnotherapist focused on helping women “wake up to their awesomeness”, Lucy Ellis understands the power of working together to...

This article continues our series on resilience and looks at the skill of reasoning. As a recap, the six skills areas that help build and...

It's Time for a Men’s Health Reboot
Are you a human being or a human doing? It amazes me the number of times that I ask someone “how are you?” and the reply that I get is...